
 HARLAN — Beth Collins has been named the new park manager at Prairie Rose State Park and is looking forward to meeting the park’s visitors. Collins graduated from Iowa Lakes Community College with an Associate’s degree in Environmental Studies, then transferred to Northwest Missouri State...
Drilling is now being completed on HMU’s deep well, which will be 315 feet deep and will supply up to 800 gallons of water per minute.
 HARLAN — The first municipal water well in Harlan was completed in the spring of 1880, less than a year after the city was incorporated. In 1891, an election approved a local light plant and water works in Harlan. Now, over 130 years later, Harlan Municipal Utilities (HMU) is making improvements...
HARLAN — Father Wayne Gubbels, a retired Catholic priest, is Myrtue Medical Center’s (MMC) Hospice Volunteer of the Year.  Father Gubbels has volunteered as a chaplain for MMC Hospice since 2017 and has been a wonderful asset to their patients, families, and hospice team members.  He demonstrates...
 HARLAN — A “much beloved tradition” will be revived Saturday, December 7 when the Western Iowa Arts Association (WIAA) and Harlan Community Theatre present “Home for the Holidays”. Tony Buman, member of the production team, said the Christmas Variety Show will feature a community choir, children’s...
NATIONWIDE — A Thanksgivingfeast will cost less this year,according to an annual Farm Bureausurvey.The national average price fora meal for 10 people this yearis $58.08. The cost is based on amenu of turkey, stuffing, sweetpotatoes, rolls, peas, cranberries,a vegetable tray, and pumpkin piewith...
OMAHA— Judges in the 8thU.S.Circuit Court of Appeals inOmaha heard oral argumentsWednesday for cases between Shelbyand Story Counties and SummitCarbon Solutions regardingordinances the counties enactedin 2022 which would affect the proposedconstruction of a 2,000 milecarbon sequestration pipeline....
HARLAN — The Harlan Lions Club provided an evening of food and fellowship at a free community Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner held at First Baptist Church Monday, November 18. According to Lion Deb Nowatzke, a total of 374 residents of Shelby County and surrounding communities enjoyed a free meal of roast...
 HARLAN — The City of Harlan bid farewell to City Administrator Gene Gettys as he attended his final council meeting Tuesday, November 19. Gettys announced his resignation in October after accepting a new position in eastern Iowa. Gettys has served as city administrator since 2016 and was Mayor...
 SOUTH DAKOTA — Voters in South Dakota rejected a law which would ease the path of construction for a carbon dioxide pipeline. Iowa landowners opposing Summit Carbon Solution’s proposed pipeline project assisted South Dakota landowners with sending mass texts to over 250,000 South Dakota voters...
 SHELBY COUNTY  —The preservation of Shelby County Historical Museum cabins is nearing completion. The museum partnered with Heritage Woodworks, Inc. of Clemons, IA, to restore the McIntosh and Leland Log Cabins. The project began this spring, and included removing the chinking from between the...




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