Harlan Lions Club will offer free vision screening for children

HARLAN —As adults, we know how we see and if we don’t see things clearly. But do we really know how children see? Can a child tell us that a straight line doesn’t have a sharp, straight edge? lowa KidSight, a vision screening program of the Lions Clubs of lowa and the University of lowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, will be offering free vision screening for children 6-months of age through kindergarten. The screening wil be held at Harlan Primary Building September 9 and 10, Shelby County Catholic School September 11, Harlan Head Start September 17, and AHSTW Elementary September 18. Home schooled students are welcome to attend at any location.
Starting with the 2015-2016 school year, parents of children entering kindergarten and the third grade were required to provide proof their child has  completed an approved vision screening. This requirement, part of a law passed by the lowa Legislation in 2013 (Senate File 419), is an important step to ensuring al children are seeing properly. Parents will need to supply proof their child has completed a vision screening, similar to providing the school with copies of up-to- date immunization records. An lowa KidSight screening is one approved option to meet the requirements of this law.
lowa KidSight is dedicated to enhancing the early detection and treatment of vision impairments in lowa’s young children through screening and public education. Free screenings are offered across the state of lowa. After screenings are complete, the results are interpreted by specialists with the Ul Department of parents or guardians receive a letter of referral as well as a list of local ophthalmologists and optometrists. To ensure there are no obstacles in getting to an eye care professional and to ensure the screening program is referring appropriately, follow-up wil be conducted for any child being referred.
lowa KidSight is a community service project of the Lions Clubs of lowa. For more information about the screening process or the program, please contact a the Harlan Lions Club volunteer.




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