2023 Election: November 7

SHELBY COUNTY — Shelby County voters will head to their polling locations Tuesday, November 7 to elect officials for cities and school districts. Also on the ballot will be Measure TD for the purpose of funding Emergency Medical Services in Shelby County. (Please see separate story for more information.)
IKM-Manning voters will decide on Public Measure TE for General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $18,600,000 to provide funds for the middle/high school building construction and remodel. Shelby Cunty voters within the Woodbine School District and the Tri-Center School District will vote on how funds received by the Woodbine Community School District from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Funds will be utilized.
Monday, October 6 is the final day for in-person absentee voting at the office of the County Auditor, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Polling Locations
All Shelby County polling locations will open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. November 7. Pre-registered voters are required to provide an approved form of identification at the polling location before casting a ballot. Voters who are not pre-registered and wanting to register on Election Day, including voter’s wanting to changing precincts, must also provide proof of residence.
·Jackson - Center and Lincoln - Cass, City of Portsmouth, and Harlan Ward 1, 2, 3 and 4: Therkildsen Center, 706 Victoria, Harlan.
·Clay-Monroe Townships and the City of Elk Horn: Elk Horn City Hall, 4212 Main St., Elk Horn.
·Greeley - Jefferson and Douglas - Polk, Cities of Irwin and Kirkman: Irwin Community Building, 504 Front St., Irwin.
·Fairview - Shelby Townships, Cities of Shelby and Tennant: Shelby Community Hall, 500 East Street, Shelby.
·Westphalia - Union, Wasington - Grove Townships, Cities of Defiance, Earling, Panama, and Westphalia: St. Josephs Hall, Earling.
The Candidates
Many of the Shelby County Candidates are running unopposed, with the exception of the City of Harlan at-large Lincoln council seat and the City of Elk Horn City Council. Troy Schaben and James Sheehan are on the ballot for the Harlan spot. In Elk Horn, three council members will be decided from Danny L. Petersen, Rick Sloth, Kayla Creek, and Kendall Petersen.
·City of Shelby - Mayor (vote for one): Ron Kroll
·City of Shelby Council (vote for 3): Karen Schlueter, Open, Open
·City of Tennant - Mayor (vote for one): James Brantner
·City of Tennant - Council (vote for 3): Mark Tearney, Paula Campbell, Tom Ewoldt
·City of Harlan - Mayor (all wards, vote for one): Jay Christensen
·City of Harlan - Council Ward 4 (vote for one): Open
·City of Harlan - Council Ward 2 (vote for one): Richard Petersen
·City of Harlan - At Large Lincoln (vote for one): Troy Schaben, James Sheehan
·City of Harlan - Council Ward 1 (vote for one to fill a vacancy): Kyle Lindberg
·City of Irwin - Mayor (vote for one) James Borcher
·City of Irwin - Council (vote for two): Richard Wiig, Jonna Willadsen
·City of Westphalia - Mayor (vote for one): Christopher G. Von Ahsen
·City of Westphalia - Council (vote or two): Branden Eck, Open
·City of Defiance - Mayor (vote for one): Mary Jo Schaben
·City of Defiance - Council (vote for two): Max Powers, Brian Kloewer
·City of Defiance - Council (vote for one to fill a vacancy): Bruce Feser
·City of Panama - Mayor (vote for one): Larry Keane
·City of Panama - Council (vote for two): Kathleen Ann Schafer, Linda Cogdill
·City of Earling - Mayor (vote for one): Janice A. Gaul
·City of Earling - Council (vote for two): Brandon Boger, Jill Schiltz
·City of Elk Horn - Mayor (vote for one): Stan Jens ·City of Elk Horn - Council (vote for three): Danny L. Petersen, Rick Sloth, Kayla Creek, Kendall Petersen
·City of Kirkman - Mayor (vote or one): Open
·City of Kirkman - Council (vote for three) Open, Open, Open
·City of Portsmouth - Mayor (vote for one): Donald Kenkel
·City of Portsmouth Council (vote or two) Loretta Kleffman Swanson, Darci Paxton
·AHSTW Schools Director District-At-Large (vote for one): Open
·AHSTW Schools Director #2 (vote or one): Steven P. Kock
·AHSTW Schools Director #3 (vote or one): Allen D. Cordes
·AHSTW Schools Director #5 (vote or one):Jon Mitchell
·Harlan Community Schools District 5 Director (vote for one): Jennifer Anderson
·Harlan Community Schools District 6 Director (vote for one): Jennifer Arkfeld
·Harlan Community Schools District 7 Director (vote for one): Roger Kenkel
·Exira-EHK Schools Director (vote for 4): Matthew Jorgensen, Jodee D. Dixon, Terri Harris, Open
·Woodbine Community School District Director (vote for 3): Martin Murdock, Rachael Breyfogle, Teresa Coenen, Doug McElwain, Kyle Andrew Outhouse.
·Woodbine Community School District Director-At-Large to fill a vacancy (vote for one) Emily Fitzgibbon
·IKM-Manning Director-At-Large (vote for one): Mike Blum, Zachery Meiners, Sara Ferneding
·IKM-Manning Director District 1A (vote for one): Bridget Gore, T.J. Sterk
·IKM-Manning Director District 2A (vote for one): David Heller, Emmalie Rasmussen
·IKM-Manning Director-At-Large to fill a vacancy (vote for one): Jeremy Puck ·Tri-Center Schools Director (vote for 2): Kevin K. Holben, Katie Ausdemore, Sara Arnold
·Boyer Valley Schools Director District 1 (vote for 2): Kim McAllister, Craig Malone
·Boyer Valley Schools Director District 2 (vote for 2): Steve Puck, Benjamin Hansen
·Des Moines Area Community College District 3 to fill a vacancy (vote for one): Jim Gosset
·Iowa Western Community College District 8 (vote for one): Connie Hornbeck
·Western Iowa Tech Community College District 9 (vote for one): Erin Muck